Research Projects Currently Funded

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  • AMELIS   (SEP-CONACYT Young Researcher Award, Premio Joven Investigador)                                                                                                                      Algas marinas en su límite sur de distribución - ecosistemas de sargazo bajo fuerte presión selectiva
    (Marine algae at their southern limits of distribution: Kelp ecosystems under strong selective pressure)
  • PROYECTO INTERNO                                                                                                                    Ecología Molecular de las Pesquerías Bentónicas en Baja California, México
    (Molecular Ecology of Benthic Fisheries in Baja California, Mexico)
  • UC MEXUS                                                                                                                         Effect of ENSO on key species at their southern limits along the Northeastern Pacific Coastline: a collaborative training initiative between scientific teams from the University of California and Mexico
    (Efecto del ENOS en especies clave en su límite sur a lo largo de la costa del Pacífico Noreste: una iniciativa de entrenamiento y colaboración entre equipos de científicos de la Universidad de California y México)

    english abstract





    english abstract




    english abstract


    resumen español





    resumen español




    resumen español

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    I.C.E. Team Members Funded Projects
    I.C.E. Team Publications Field Trips
    Upcoming seminars and presentations Women in Science Seminar Series
    Experimental Design Course, Dr. Underwood (tentative Sept 2003) New ROCKY SHORE ECOLOGY CLASS